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Each article submitted to The Applied Anthropologist goes through a rigorous review process. First the Editor-in-Chief reviews the submission. If initially accepted the submission is reviewed by two independent academic reviewers. The reviewing process is a blind process where authors are not aware of the reviewer's name or affiliation. If the submission is approved by both reviewers the submission is sent back to the author for any necessary edits. The submission is then copy edited and slotted for inclusion in the next issue of the Journal.
Submit manuscript as one MS Word compatible electronic document (see below) attached to an email that explains the type of manuscript you are submitting (e.g., research article, topical article, review) and if it is to be included in a special issue or as part of a group submission.
Use the most recent edition of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary or Merriam-Webster's online edition as the authority for spelling, meaning, and form of words, and The Chicago Manual of Style as the authority for usage, punctuation, and style. Please ensure that all references are composed in this style before submitting your manuscript for review.
Font: Times New Roman (or Times Roman)
Size: 12-point
Tabs: .12” (1/4 inch)
Margins: 1” margins on all four sides
Spacing: double-spaced throughout (including indented block quotations)
Articles other than book reviews and commentaries should normally be from 4,000 to 8,000 words in length including notes, illustrations, and references (approximately 30 pages double-spaced). Book reviews should normally not exceed 1,500 words, or six double-spaced pages.
Before the narrative text, provide a concise (maximum 200 word) abstract that summarizes the manuscript and at least three keywords for electronic search.
Separating an article into sections with clear headings helps readers to follow the argument and flow of the paper.
Figures, tables, maps, drawings, photographs, and similar material are to be submitted as a separate electronic jpg file(s) with resolution of 300 dpi. Authors of accepted manuscripts may be required to submit high-resolution hard copies of all figures during production, as not all digital art files are usable.
To cite references within the text, type the author's last name, the year of original publication, and if an exact quotation the page number(s) in parentheses. Consider clarity in deciding what to cite, and refer to articles in previous issues for examples.
TAA does not use footnotes, and extensive endnotes are discouraged. Integrate material into the text whenever possible; otherwise compile it at the end of the text under “Notes” and number notes consecutively (see articles in previous issues for examples). References to literature are not cited in footnotes (see above).
If your manuscript has already been presented or published, explain (with permissions) and identify this in your first note. In the next note, provide an author's statement, consisting of your name, present affiliation(s), how to contact you, and research acknowledgments. This information must be included with each manuscript.
There is usually no charge to authors for peer review and publishing of manuscripts submitted to The Applied Anthropologist. However, articles submitted and accepted for publication that substantially deviate from the TAA Style Guide (examples: returns after every line, no spell-check, references in end notes, underlined material, or no abstract), or which require extensive and/or repeated style or format editing, may incur an editing charge which shall be the responsibility of the author. This includes any substantial changes requested by the author after an article has been accepted and copy edited. Authors will be notified in advance of any such charges.
Please submit your manuscript electronically to the Editorial team at hpsfaa@gmail.com
©2019 High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology
Webmaster: Sañiego Sanchez